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- Helge Kragh
Quantum Generations
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Copyright © 1999 by Princeton University Press
Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street,
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 3 Market Place,
Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1SY
All Rights Reserved
Fifth printing, and first paperback printing, 2002
Paperback ISBN 0 691 09552 3
The Library of Congress has cataloged the cloth edition of this book as follows
Kragh, Helge, 1944
Quantum generations : a history of physics in the twentieth
century / Helge Kragh.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0 691 01206 7 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Physics History 20th century. I. Title.
QC7.K7 1999
530'.09'04 dc21 99 17903
British Library Cataloging in Publication Data is available
ISBN-13: 978-0-691-09552-3 (pbk.)
eISBN: 978-0-691-21419-1
Fin-de-Siècle Physics: A World Picture in Flux 3
The World of Physics 13
Personnel and Resources 13
Physics Journals 19
A Japanese Look at European Physics 22
Discharges in Gases and What Followed 27
A New Kind of Rays 28
From Becquerel Rays to Radioactivity 30
Spurious Rays, More or Less 34
The Electron before Thomson 38
The First Elementary Particle 40
Atomic Architecture 44
The Thomson Atom 44
Other Early Atomic Models 48
Rutherford’s Nuclear Atom 51
A Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure 53
The Slow Rise of Quantum Theory 58
The Law of Blackbody Radiation 58
Early Discussions of the Quantum Hypothesis 63
Einstein and the Photon 66
Specific Heats and the Status of Quantum Theory by 1913 68
Physics at Low Temperatures 74
The Race Toward Zero 74
Kammerlingh Onnes and the Leiden Laboratory 76
Superconductivity 80
Einstein’s Relativity, and Others’ 87
The Lorentz Transformations 87
Einsteinian Relativity 90
From Special to General Relativity 93
Reception 98
A Revolution that Failed 105
The Concept of Electromagnetic Mass 105
Electron Theory as a Worldview 108
Mass Variation Experiments 111
Decline of a Worldview 114
Unified Field Theories 116
Physics in Industry and War 120
Industrial Physics 120
Electrons at Work, I: Long-Distance Telephony 123
Electrons at Work, II: Vacuum Tubes 126
Physics in the Chemists’ War 130
Science and Politics in the Weimar Republic 139
Science Policy and Financial Support 139
International Relations 143
The Physics Community 148
Zeitgeist and the Physical Worldview 151
Quantum Jumps 155
Quantum Anomalies 155
Heisenberg’s Quantum Mechanics 161
Schrödinger’s Equation 163
Dissemination and Receptions 168
The Rise of Nuclear Physics 174
The Electron-Proton Model 174
Quantum Mechanics and the Nucleus 177
Astrophysical Applications 182
1932, Annus Mirabilis 184
From Two to Many Particles 190
Antiparticles 190
Surprises from the Cosmic Radiation 193
Crisis in Quantum Theory 196
Yukawa’s Heavy Quantum 201
Philosophical Implications of Quantum Mechanics 206
Uncertainty and Complementarity 206
Against the Copenhagen Interpretation 212
Is Quantum Mechanics Complete? 215
Eddington’s Dream and Other Heterodoxies 218
Eddington’s Fundamentalism 218
Cosmonumerology and Other Speculations 221
Milne and Cosmophysics 223
The Modern Aristotelians 226
Physics and the New Dictatorships 230
In the Shadow of the Swastika 230
Aryan Physics 236
Physics in Mussolini’s Italy 238
Physics, Dialectical Materialism, and Stalinism 240
Brain Drain and Brain Gain 245
American Physics in the 1930s 245
Intellectual Migrations 249
From Uranium Puzzle to Hiroshima 257
The Road to Fission 257
More than Moonshine 261
Toward the Bomb 265
The Death of Two Cities 269
Nuclear Themes 279
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 279
Modern Alchemy 283
Hopes and Perils of Nuclear Energy 285
Controlled Fusion Energy 290
Militarization and Megatrends 295
Physics A Branch of the Military? 295
Big Machines 302
A European Big Science Adventure 308
Particle Discoveries 312
Mainly Mesons 312
Weak Interactions 317
Quarks 321
The Growth of Particle Physics 325
Fundamental Theories 332
QED 332
The Ups and Downs of Field Theory 336
Gauge Fields and Electroweak Unification 339
Quantum Chromodynamics 344
Cosmology and the Renaissance of Relativity 349
Toward the Big Bang Universe 349
The Steady State Challenge 354
Cosmology after 1960 357
The Renaissance of General Relativity 361
Elements of Solid State Physics 366
The Solid State Before 1940 366
Semiconductors and the Rise of the Solid State Community 370
Breakthroughs in Superconductivity 375
Engineering Physics and Quantum Electronics 382
It Started with the Transistor 382
Microwaves, the Laser, and Quantum Optics 386
Optical Fibers 391
Science under Attack Physics in Crisis? 394
Signs of Crisis 394
A Revolt against Science 401
The End of Physics? 405
Unifications and Speculations 409
The Problem of Unity 409
Grand Unified Theories 411
Superstring Theory 415
Quantum Cosmology 419
Nobel Physics 427
A Century of Physics in Retrospect 440
Growth and Progress 440
Physics and the Other Sciences 444
Conservative Revolutions 447
Further Reading 453
THIS WORK WAS written between 1996 and 1998, at the suggestion of Princeton University Press. Originally, when I accepted the invitation to write a book about the development of physics during the twentieth century, I thought it would be a relatively easy matter. I soon became wiser. I should have known that it is simply not possible to write a balanced and reasonably comprehensive one-volume account of twentieth-century physics. What follows is a substitute, a fairly brief and much condensed and selective account of what I believe have been the most significant developments in a century of physical thought and experiment that can well be called the most important century of physics.
The book is structured in three largely chronological parts. The first part covers developments from the 1890s to about 1918, the end of World War I. The second part concentrates on developments between the two world wars, roughly 1918 1945, and the third part takes up developments in the remainder of the century. The chosen periodization should be uncontroversial, and so should the decision to start in the mid-1890s rather than in 1900. It is generally accepted that “modern physics” started with the great discoveries of the 1890s and not with Planck’s introduction of the quantum discontinuity in 1900.
I have endeavored to write an account that goes all the way up to the present and so includes parts of very recent developments that normally would be considered to be “not yet historical.” There are problems with writing historically about recent developments, but these are practical problems and not rooted in contemporary science being beyond historical analysis. The book is of a type and size that preclude any ambitions of comprehensiveness, not to mention completeness. At any rate, a “complete” history of twentieth-century physics would probably be as pointless as it would be impossible to write from a practical point of view. Like most historical works, this one is selective and limited in scope and content. The selections can undoubtedly be criticized. The material I have included has been chosen for a variety of reasons, one of them being the availability of historical writings and analyses. The book’s goal is to give an account of the development of physics during a one-hundred-year period that is digestible, informative, and fairly representative. There are, unavoidably, many interesting topics and subdisciplines that I do not include, in part because of lack of space and in part because of lack of secondary sources. Among the topics that I originally contemplated to include, but in the end had to leave out, are optics, materials science, chemical physics, geophysics, medical physics, physics in third-world countries, and the post-1950 discussion concerning the interpretation of quantum mechanics. Yet I believe that what is included does not, in spite of the more or less arbitrary selection criteria, misrepresent to any serious extent the general trends in the development of modern physics.
The problem of a balanced account is a difficult one, not only with regard to subdisciplines and dimensions, but also with regard to nations. Physics is and has always been international, but of course, some nations have contributed more to scientific progress than others. My account is essentially a history of physics in Europe and North America, with some mention also of contributions from Japan. This is simply a reflection of how the important contributions to physics have been distributed among nations and geographical regions. Whether one likes it or not, most of the world’s nations have played almost no role at all in the development of modern physics. One of the significant trends of the postwar period has been the dominance of American physicists in a science that was originally European. Because of this dominance, and because of the strong position that American scholars have in the history of science, the historical knowledge of modern American physics is much richer than it is in the case of Europe and other regions, including the former Soviet Union. It is quite possible that the relative predominance of writings about American physics has caused my account to focus too much on the American scene, but under the circumstances, there was little I could do about it.
Taken together, the twenty-nine chapters cover a broad spectrum of physics, not only with respect to topics and disciplines, but also with respect to the dimensions of physics. We should always keep in mind that physics (or the physical sciences) is a rich and multifaceted area that has implications far beyond the purely scientific aspects related to fundamental physics. I have wanted to write a broad book, although not so broad that it loses its focus on what is distinctly the world of physics. The present work is not devoted solely to the scientific or intellectual aspects of physics, but neither does it concentrate on social and institutional history. It tries to integrate the various approaches or, at least, to include them in a reasonably balanced way. I have also paid more attention to applied or engineering physics than is usually done. To ignore the physics-technology interface, and concentrate on so-called fundamental physics alone, would surely give a distorted picture of how physics has developed in this century. Not only are many of the world’s physicists occupied with applied aspects of their science, and have been so during most of the century, but it is also largely through the technological applications that physics has become a major force of societal change.
The intended audience of the book is not primarily physicists or specialists in the history of science. It is my hope that it will appeal to a much broader readership and that it may serve as a textbook in courses of an interdisciplinary nature or in introductory courses in physics and history. With a few exceptions I have avoided equations, and although the book presupposes some knowledge of physics, it is written mainly on an elementary level. My decision to avoid the note apparatus that is often seen as a hallmark of so-called academic books is an attempt to make the book more easily accessible to readers not acquainted with the (sometimes rather artificial) note system of more scholarly works. In almost all cases of citations, I have included references in the text to sources where they can be readily found. Rather than referring to the original source, I have in most cases referred to a later, secondary source, quite often the place where I happened to pick up the quotation. In a book of this type, there is no point in numerous references to old papers in Annalen der Physik or Philosophical Magazine; the reader who might want to dig up the original source can do so via the source I have quoted. The entire book is, to a large extent, based on secondary sources, especially the many fine books and articles written by historians of the physical sciences. I have also drawn freely and extensively on some of my earlier works dealing with the history of modern physics, chemistry, technology, and cosmology.
The source problem is quite different with regard to physics in the last third or quarter of the century. Whereas there is an abundance of secondary sources dealing with older developments in physics, written by either historians or participants, there are only few historical analyses of post-1960 physics (high-energy physics is an exception). Within this part of the chronology, I have had to base my account on useful material that happens to exist, on physicists’ more or less historically informed recollections, and on a not-very-systematic survey of what I could find in scientific articles and reviews. Physics Today has been a helpful source; references to this journal in Part Three are abbreviated PT. The bibliography and the appendix on “further reading” list a good deal of the literature that th
e reader may wish to consult in order to go more deeply into the subjects covered by this book.
The working title of the book was originally Revolution through Tradition. With this title I wanted to refer to the dialectics between existing theories and revolutionary changes that has been characteristic of physics during the twentieth century. There have indeed been revolutions in the theoretical frameworks of physics, but these have not been wholesale rejections of the classical traditions; on the contrary, they have been solidly connected with essential parts of the physics of Newton, Maxwell, and Helmholtz. Relativity theory and quantum mechanics, undoubtedly the two major revolutions in twentieth-century physical thought, were carefully constructed to correspond with existing theories in the classical limits.
The respect for traditions has likewise been a characteristic theme in all the major theoretical changes that occurred after the completion of quantum mechanics. To the extent that these may be termed revolutionary, they have been conservative revolutions. Changes have been much less important on the methodological level than on the cognitive level. There have been some changes, but not of a fundamental nature. Basically, the accepted methods of science of the 1990s are the same methods that were accepted in the 1890s. If we are looking for really radical changes during the last three-quarters of the century, we should not look toward the methods, the conceptual structure, or the cognitive content of physics, but rather toward the basic fabric of the world, the ontology of physics; or we should look toward the social, economic, and political dimensions. In terms of manpower, organization, money, instruments, and political (and military) value, physics experienced a marked shift in the years following 1945. The sociopolitical changes made physics in 1960 a very different science than it had been a century earlier, but they did not cause a corresponding shift in the methodological and cognitive standards. In any event, this is not the place to discuss these broader issues at any length. In the book that follows, I have described, rather than analyzed, important parts of the development of physics between 1895 and 1995. The reader who is interested to draw the big picture say, to evaluate the revolutionary changes and make comparisons over the course of a century should be better equipped with the material and information that are presented here.
I would like to express my thanks to my colleague Ole Knudsen, who read the manuscript and suggested various improvements.